Hot Buttered Bourbon

Hot Butter Bourbon

Hot Buttered Bourbon Cocktail Recipe
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Hot Buttered Bourbon Cocktail Recipe


  • Bourbon
  • Hot Butter Batter
  • Hot spiced cider
    Hot Butter Batter:
  • 2 sticks Salted Butter
  • 1 cup Dark Brown Sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste


  1. Combine all ingredients in mug, stir to dissolve batter
  2. Garnish with fresh grated nutmeg
    Hot Butter Batter:
  1. In a 1 quart saucepan over low heat, melt sticks of butter.
  2. Once melted, add brown sugar and stir over heat until fully dissolved and smooth.
  3. Remove from heat, add vanilla bean paste.
  4. Allow to cool, store in refrigerator.

Originally posted by @deverespub on Instagram

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